A Divorce is a court order that serves to terminate a marriage. Upon the completion of a divorce, parties are free re-marry. If you are seeking a divorce in Texas, it is helpful to have a qualified Divorce lawyer to prepare all the necessary documents.

Divorces in Texas Texas

There are two basic types of divorce law: fault and not fault. The states that use a no fault system do not make it a requirement that there be a discernible reason for the divorce. It is often enough to mention that the couple has irreconcilable differences.

Other states employ a "fault" divorce system where the spouse filing for divorce must demonstrate some reason for seeking the divorce, such as abuse or adultery.

Burnet Divorce Lawyers will understand which system is followed in Texas.

Divorce Attorneys in Texas Can Assist You in Dissolving Your Marriage

There are many other things happening beyond the mere dissolution of a marriage. Child Custody, partitioning of marital assets, and spousal support all take place at the same time as the divorce. A Texas Divorce lawyer has been through this process before with others and knows how to help. Contact a skilled Divorce attorney in Burnet today.