Paternity is a difficult and confusing area of law. These laws are aimed at proving fatherhood whether biological or otherwise. The lawyers working in Paternity in Texas know the details and can assist you in proving who the legal father of your child is.

Anthony, Texas Laws Relating to Paternity Anthony, Texas

There are different ways that a man can be legally designated as a child's father. Often times, mere acknowledgement of the child can be enough to establish paternity. Paternity Attorneys in Texas know the other laws that can establish Paternity, and can even Help you if you are being threatened with a DNA test. Anthony Paternity Lawyers are ready to defend your legal rights.

Find A Seasoned Paternity Attorney in Texas

If you feel that you have been wrongfully named as a child's legal father, you need to defend your rights. Anthony Paternity Lawyers can help you with your court action and other issues that arise.