Child support payments are granted when one parent maintains primary custody of the child(ren) during divorce in Ohio.
These payments are designed to help the spouse with primary custody pay for the necessities of the children, such as clothing, food and education. If you are having complications getting Child Support from your ex-spouse, or if you want to challenge a court order requiring you to pay Child Support, you should contact a seasoned Child Support lawyer in Wauseon Ohio.
Wauseon Child Support Lawyers
Generally, lawyers who practice in Child Support are great at negotiating. These attorneys are usually called upon by former spouses to settle arguments that have arisen between them.
Furthermore, Child Support lawyers in Wauseon are sometimes called upon to dispute the amount granted, or to seek enforcement of the award.
A Child Support lawyer in Wauseon, Ohio can help you with your child support issues.
Ohio Child Support Lawyers Can Make Sure Your Income is Untouched
If you are experiencing fiscal problems, Child Support lawyers in Ohio will help you reduce yoru required payments by demonstrating your new situation to the court. Additionally, these lawyers can help you enforce Child Support payments from a parent who refuses to coopoerate. Whatever the case may be, you should call a Wauseon Child Support lawyer as fast as you can, to protect the financial interests of yourself and your child.