A Divorce is a legally binding court order that a marriage is concluded. Once completed, the parties to the previous marriage are no longer bound by the laws that govern married couples. When divorcing in New York, a competent Divorce lawyer can aid you. Getting a divorce is an emotionally tiring process and the presence of a lawyer helps to ease this major change in your life.

Divorce Laws in New York New York

States have different requirements for divorces. Those states that have a "no fault" rule do not require a showing beyond irreconcilable differences for a couple to procure a divorce.

Other states use a more traditional "fault" system where the spouse obtaining the divorce must show a reason why the divorce should be allowed. This often means showing adultery or abuse.

You will want to make sure that your Baldwin Divorce Lawyer is current with the laws that apply in New York.

Divorce Attorneys in New York Can Help You in Dissolving Your Marriage

In addition to the divorce, division of marital assets and child custody happen at the same time as the divorce. A New York Divorce lawyer has been through this process before with others and knows how to aid. Contact a competent Divorce attorney in Baldwin today.